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30K Army Books


Of all the conflicts that have beset this Imperium of Mankind, it is the rebellion of the Warmaster Horus, the Horus Heresy, which has left the greatest scars upon its fabric. Even now, centuries after its end, when few save ancient and shrivelled creatures such as myself remember the horror of those dark years, men speak of it with awe. For those were the last days of legend, when the Emperor and His sons, the mighty Primarchs, strode forth to war, when the dominion of Mankind spread across the galaxy and none could challenge our might, the last days of a golden age long since consigned to dust by the actions of one man. It is the curse of history that few care to remember other than those fragments that exalt them, to relive those glory days endlessly while the present crumbles about them.

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30K Army Books have been created so that they can be played against 40K Army Books without difficulty or modification.

Alpha Legion

The Alpha Legion is known to have taken part in the galaxy-spanning disaster that was the Horus Heresy, though as ever, its exact role is unclear. 


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Blood Angels

They are well-known across the galaxy for their bloodthirsty nature in battle, and feared for the curse of flawed gene-seed they carry. The Blood Angels are amongst the longest-living of the Adeptus Astartes, with some of the Chapter's Space Marines having served the Emperor of Mankind for over a thousand standard years.


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Dark Angels

Unyielding, technologically capable, ruthless and insular, the Dark Angels at the time of the Horus Heresy would once again be a powerful and highly independent Legion, used to operating on their own to conduct large-scale campaigns and Compliance actions.


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Emperor's Children

From this height they descended in treachery to the lowest and vilest of creatures, enslaved to pride and consumed by hedonistic desires that no natural power could fulfill. The Emperor's Children are now a scattered Legion much like their counterparts the World Eaters, their unity devoured by their allegiance to Chaos.


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Imperial Fists

Dorn and his Legion proved the masters of every aspect of warfare, but in particular the Imperial Fists excelled at siege craft, whether on the attack or the defence. This propelled them into a bitter rivalry with the Iron Warriors Legion and their jealous Primarch Perturabo, the flames of which were wantonly fanned by Fulgrim, the Primarch of the Emperor's Children Legion.


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Iron Hands

The Iron Hands were born as the Xth Legion of Space Marines, engineered by the Emperor to bring His light to the long-lost Human colony worlds scattered across the stars. Renowned for their pride, cold-hearted brutality and remorselessness in battle, the Iron Hands were among the most powerful and famed Space Marine Legions of the Great Crusade.


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Iron Warriors

The Iron Warriors, who were originally the IVth Legion of Space Marines, specialised in the breaking of sieges and assaults on static fortifications, which made them great rivals of the Imperial Fists Legion, said to construct the greatest static defences in the Imperium. It was this rivalry between the Legions, and between their primarchs Perturabo and the Imperial Fists' Rogal Dorn, that helped turn the Iron Warriors to Chaos.


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Night Lords

The Night Lords are synonymous with terror and murder, for their favoured mode of warfare is the unfettered application of brutal, overwhelming force. They show no mercy whatsoever, eschewing all subtlety and guile for wanton bloodshed and destruction. While such an approach might appear mindless, at one time it was different.


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Raven Guard

As the tragic histories of the Horus Heresy were recounted, however, the Legion's glories were to be scattered upon the black sands of Isstvan V during the Drop Site Massacre, and the Imperium was almost shorn of one of its greatest champions. Though severely decimated, the Raven Guard would rise from the ashes of betrayal and go on to continue to serve the Imperium of Man as its protectors.


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The Salamanders hail from a world wracked by constant volcanic instability, but possessing the very rarest kinds of mineral resources. The violence of the cyclic volcanic activity creates and churns up minerals highly prized by the Adeptus Mechanicus, yet the planet has been occupied by Mankind since long before the Age of the Imperium.


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Sons Of Horus

Renouncing his oath to the Emperor, Horus led his Legion, renamed the Sons of Horus, into worship of the Chaos Gods in the form of Chaos Undivided. He then sought to turn many of his fellow Primarchs to the service of Chaos

Sons of Horus

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Thousand Sons

The one thing Magnus could not see was his own role in the coming war, but he determined to intervene nonetheless. Magnus knew that in warning his sire of the coming treachery he would be admitting that he had disobeyed the edicts of Nikaea, yet he believed he had no choice.


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The Loyalist Marines on Calth, Ultramarines all, had been forced into a fighting retreat, but soon occupied fortified positions. Many Ultramarines had been born on Calth, and proved more resolute than the Word Bearers anticipated.


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Word Bearers

When battle was truly joined, it was towards the Ultramarines Legion that the Word Bearers turned the greatest extent of their ire. Jealous of the favour they believed the Emperor to have unjustly shown Roboute Guilliman's Legion, the Word Bearers set in motion plans laid down many Terran years before. 

Word Bearers

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